

Nintendo has a long history of being a developer for video game consoles and games. They have been releasing hardware spanning over 40 years including home consoles, handheld consoles and more. Starting with the so called “Color TV-Game in the years 1977-1980 is a series of five consoles. They had a built-in controller and a few games installed but did not gain international attention since it was only released in Japan. Nintendo’s huge success didn’t begin until the year 1983 with the release of the “Famicon”, which would later in 1985 be released in North-America as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Since then have they released 6 more home consoles with the latest one being their second most sold home console after the Wii.

Nintendo Entertainment System Controller Super Nintendo Entertainment System Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Gamecube Controller Wii Controller Wii U Gamepad Nintendo Switch in handheld mode